Not all products, pricing and services are available in all areas. Pricing and actual speeds may vary. Internet speeds based on wired connection. Restrictions apply.
Spectrum Mobile® keeps you connected when you travel internationally with our convenient Global Day Pass or Pay-Per-Use options. For frequent travelers, choose Unlimited Plus with free international roaming in 180+ countries.
Unlimited Plus plans include free international roaming in 180+ countries. With an Unlimited plan, choose between Pay-Per-Use or a flat-rate Global Day Pass.
Check out our low rates here
The choice is yours – enjoy a daily flat rate or only pay for what you use while traveling abroad.
Search by destination to see competitive rates for calling from the U.S. or while abroad.
Unlimited Plus: Free roaming in 180+ countries. Reduced speeds after 10 GB of usage per month per line. Restrictions apply.
Cruise and airlines rates are high. Check your destination's rates above, or view the complete list of countries. Note that in some destinations, including cruise ships and airplanes, mobile data roaming is not available.
Restrictions Apply
Reduced speeds after 1 GB per 24-hour session. Not available in all countries. Global Day Pass Extra available at standard rate.
Unlimited Plus: Free roaming in 180+ countries. Reduced speeds after 10 GB of usage per month per line. Restrictions apply.
Mobile Offer Details
Limited time offer; subject to change; offer applies to qualified residential customers without any outstanding obligation to Spectrum. Mobile devices excluded from offer. SPECTRUM MOBILE: Offer valid for new customers adding lines or for current mobile customers adding Unlimited lines to existing service. Smartwatch does not qualify as a line. UNLIMITED: Reduced speeds after 30 GB of usage per line. 5 GB for Mobile Hotspots. UNLIMITED PLUS: Reduced speeds after 50 GB of usage per line.10 GB for Mobile Hotspots. Services subject to all applicable service terms and conditions, subject to change. Not available in all areas. Per line activation fee, Spectrum Internet and Auto Pay required. Restrictions apply.
Bundled Offer Details
Limited time offer; subject to change; offer applies to new Mobile customers without any outstanding obligation to Spectrum. Limited to one promotional line per account. Mobile devices excluded from offer. Offer reflected with up to 12 months credit on bill statement. Standard rates apply after promo period or if qualifying services not maintained. Offer cannot be applied to existing lines on customer account. Tablets not eligible for promotion. Reduced speeds after 30 GB of usage per line. Services subject to all applicable service terms and conditions, subject to change. Not available in all areas. Auto Pay required. Restrictions apply.